Thursday, 13 July 2017

Reference to a Pointer

Notes for reading C++ Primer 4/e.
void ptrswap(int *&v1, int *&v2) {
    int *tmp = v2;
    v1 = v2;
    v2 = tmp;

int main() {
    int i = 10;
    int j = 20;
    int *pi = &i;
    int *pj = &j;

    cout << *pi << "  " << *pj << endl;
    ptrswap(pi, pj);
    cout << *pi << " " << *pj << endl;

    return 0;
10 20
20 10


Notes for reading C++ Primer 4/e.


nonconst reference can only reference to the same nonconst object.
int incr(int val) {
  return ++val;

int incrRef(int &val) {
  return ++val;

int incrRefConst(const int &val) {
  cout << val << endl;

  return val;

int main() {
  short v1 = 0;
  const int v2 = 42;
  double v4 = 3.4;

  int v3 = incr(v1);
  v3 = incrRef(v1);  // X: no matching function for call to 'incrRef'
  v3 = incrRefConst(v1);  // 0

  int v5 = incr(v4);
  v5 = incrRef(v4);  // X: no matching function for call to 'incrRef'
  v5 = incrRefConst(v4);  // 3
  cout << v4 << " " << v5 << endl;  // 3.4 3

  return 0;


  • nonconst refernce parameter 的彈性較低,不能以 const object 初始化,也不能以字面常數 (ex. 42, 'a', "Hello", 3.14...) 或 rvalue 做為 argument.

Monday, 10 July 2017

Knockin' on Heaven's Door


Key: G

|    I    |    V    |    ii    |    ii    |
|    I    |    V    |   IV   |   IV   |

-Gun's N' Roses' Version-
Key: Gb

|    I    |    V    |   IV   |   IV   |

| - 1 2#2 12 | 2 5 2#2 1 | 1--- | --- 61 |
| 6 5- 43 | 45-- 43 | 4 36-- | -- 34 14 |
| 3- 6 1 23 | 2- 3 3 | 1--- | --- 45 |
| - 43 43 45 | - 43 4 46 | --- 56 | 565 23232 1 | 1--- |

-Solo Cover-

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Key Signature

Note for reading Key Signature.

Circle of Fifths

Key Signature

  • 0#b: C Dm Em F G Am Bdim
  • 1#: G Am Bm C D Em F#dim
  • 2#: D Em F#m G A Bm C#dim
  • 3#: A Bm C#m D E F#m G#dim
  • 4#: E F#m G#m A B C#m D#dim
  • 5#: B C#m D#m E F# G#m A#dim
  • 6#: F# G#m A#m B C# D#m E#dim
  • 6b: Gb Abm Bbm Cb Db Ebm Fdim
  • 5b: Db Ebm Fm Gb Ab Bbm Cdim
  • 4b: Ab Bbm Cm Db Eb Fm Gdim
  • 3b: Eb Fm Gm Ab Bb Cm Ddim
  • 2b: Bb Cm Dm Eb F Gm Adim
  • 1b: F Gm Am Bb C Dm Edim


Wednesday, 28 June 2017


Notes for reading C++ Primer 4/e.

Dynamic Array


In dynamic array, it could only initial w/ default value, not like static array, could initial as different values.
int *pia = new int[10]();  // 10 ints w/ default value 0


Notes for reading C++ Primer 4/e.

const Reference

Reference to a constant object.
const int ival = 1024;
const int &refVal = ival;
const int &r = 42;
const int &r2 = r + 3;


for (vector<string>::const_iterator iter = text.begin();
iter != text.end(); ++iter) {
    *iter = " ";  // error: *iter is const
vector<int> nums(10);
const vector<int>::iterator cit = nums.begin();
*cit = 1;  // OK
++cit;  // error: cit is const

Pointers & const

Pointers to const

const double pi = 3.14;
double *ptr = &pi;  // error: nonconst pointer
const double *cptr = &pi;  // OK

double dval = 2.99;
cptr = &dval;  // OK

const Pointer

int errNumber = 0;
int *const curErr = &errNumber;
curErr = curErr;  // error: curErr is const

if (*curErr) {
    *curErr = 0;  // OK

const Pointer Point To A const Object

const double pi = 3.14159;
const double *const pi_ptr = &pi;
pi_ptr is a constant pointer, point to a const double object.

Pointers & Typedefs

typedef string *pstring;
const pstring cstr;
Q: What is cstr?
A: Constant point, point to string.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Minor (Aeolian)



  • Major Scale: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • Nature Minor Scale: 1 2 b3 4 5 b6 b7
  • Harmonic Minor Scale: 1 2 b3 4 5 b6 7
  • Melodic Minor Scale: 1 2 b3 4 5 6 7 1 b7 b6 5 4 b3 2 1

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Secondary Dominant

Learning notes of Secondary Dominant.

Secondary Dominant



  • V -> I

讓 Dominant 更漂亮

  • ii -> V -> I or vii7(b5) -> V7 -> i

用 2-5-1

  • ii -> V -> I -> (Key - whole note) ii -> V -> I -> (Key - whole note) ii -> V -> I -> …

Advanced Reading

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

How to Make Chord Progression

Learning how to make chord progression for a melody.

How to Make Chord Progression


  • 使用和弦內音的方式來配置

用 C, G7, Dm 和 F

  • 使用和弦內音的方式來配置 並 考慮 ii -> V -> I, I -> IV 等慣用進行

用大調 1-6 級

  • Tonic -> Sub-dominant -> Dominant -> Tonic 的感覺考慮進去
  • normally we use Tonic -> Sub-dominant or Tonic -> Dominant (but it’s more comfortable to use Tonic -> Sub-dominant -> Tonic) (1)
  • normally we use Sub-dominant -> Tonic or Sub-dominant -> Dominant (2)
  • normally we use Dominant -> Tonic (3)
  • 先用 I, IV, V 配置,再用 (3), (2), (1) 修飾

用 Secondary Dominant Chord

  • 每個和弦轉換皆可觀查是否能用

Advanced Reading

Major (Ionian)

Learning from key C.


  • C: 1-3-5 (1 3 5)
  • Dm: 2-4-6 (1 b3 5)
  • Em: 3-5-7 (1 b3 5)
  • F: 4-6-1 (1 3 5)
  • G: 5-7-2 (1 3 5)
  • Am: 6-1-3 (1 b3 5)
  • Bdim: 7-2-4 (1 b3 b5)


  • 1st Inversion

  • 2nd Inversion

Seventh Chord

  • CM7: 1-3-5-7 (1 3 5 7)
  • Dm7: 2-4-6-1 (1 b3 5 b7)
  • Em7: 3-5-7-2 (1 b3 5 b7)
  • FM7: 4-6-1-3 (1 3 5 7)
  • G7: 5-7-2-4 (1 3 5 b7)
  • Am7: 6-1-3-5 (1 b3 5 b7)
  • Bm7(b5): 7-2-4-6 (1 b3 b5 b7)

  1. Bm is 7-2-#4 and Bm7 is 7-2-#4-6.
  2. Half-diminished seventh: 1 b3 b5 b7
  3. Diminished seventh: 1 b3 b5 bb7

External Reading:

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

[Class Diagram] Association, Aggregation and Composition

Association: ... has a ...
ex. Professor has books and books belong to one professor.

Aggregation: ... owns a ...
ex. Department has many professors in it, and professors belong to many departments or belong to many schools.

Composition: ... is a part of ...
ex. University has many departments, and departments belong to one university. While University closed, departments won't be existed.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

[C++] return by address/reference

 int *createArrayAddr(int n) {  
   int *a = new int(5);  
   cout << (void*) a << endl;  
   return a;  
 int &createArrayRef(int &n) {  
   cout << &n << endl;  
   return n;  
 int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {  
   int *a = createArrayAddr(5);  
   cout << (void*) a << endl;  
   int n = 55;  
   cout << &n << endl;  
   int &n2 = createArrayRef(n);  
   cout << &n2 << endl;  
   return 0;  



Thursday, 12 January 2017

Your body language shapes who you are

Self-fulfill, faith, you believed in who you are, and you could be the one you want.

1-Bit Music from Tristan Perich

There's a composer named Tristan Perich composes his album as 1-bit music, more interested thing is when you get his CDs, there's no CD in it, you could just plug your ear phone in and listen to his music.

Try to listen to his CertainMovement in the 1st album.

Refer to get to know him more.